Sunday, May 3, 2009

Take A Chance.

One day, you had decided to take a risk.
You packed everything you had,
Everything you needed,
And went on to explore the desert.

Although at the back of your mind,
There was a nagging thought.
"You're probably never gonna make it."
However, you disregarded the thought,
And went on with the plan.

In the beginning, you were really excited.
But as you walked on, you realized,
There was nothing to explore.
Everywhere was just covered with sand.

The sun was scorching,
Your feet were hurting,
Blisters were forming,
The food and water rations were running low.
Your patience were wearing thin.

It finally dawned to you,
That this decision was a mistake.
But as you looked back,
You knew you had come too far to walk back,
And it was a point of no return.

Silently, you cursed yourself
For your plight.
You hated yourself
For ignoring your instinct.
But you had to brace up,
And trudge on.
Because you could not wallow in self pity.
Suddenly, you saw an oasis in a distance.
This could be a life saver.
It didn't seem so bad after all.

Then again,
It could be an oasis,
Or a mirage.

But when you have no choice,
You can only take your chances.

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